Peeled Earth and SKY

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wandering Vagus (the nerve not the city)

While driving up to teach a class in Corona Del Mar this week I turned on NPR and caught the tail end of a discussion.  A fascinating discussion. A physician and a yoga teacher explain the benefits of deep breathing through the eyes of science.  Their main topic was the function of the vagus nerve, the tenth of twelve cranial nerves that begins in our brain and runs all the way into our colon. Even more impressive than its length is how this nerve effects our bodies. One of the responsibilities of the vagus is to keep the larynx open and to provide the impulse for the lungs and diaphragm to function, all in an effort to....breathe.

The vagus is composed mainly of sensory fibers, in other words, the nerve is a massive communicator to our brain of what is going on in our viscera. Studies have shown that when the vagus is stimulated our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system are put into balance. The stress response is stopped. How then do we stimulate this giant nerve?

Seeking stress relief in our crowded lives has become a multimillion dollar industry.  Believe me, I'm in it! Between my organic food, acupuncture, and various forms of body/energy work it can really start to rack up bills.  The good news is, in order to put the brakes on our stress response it's up to us to get comfortable, sit as best as we can right in the middle of our bodies and take a slow deep breath. It's free.

Through practicing Yoga I know the benefits of Ujjayi breathing. After a few minutes of pranayama, my mind becomes more steady, I drop into my body and I feel like my feet are on the floor. As my mind slows I am able to listen to what my body needs in each asana. The breath is the catalyst for, and director of, all movement. Out of Patanjali's eight limbs of Yoga he gives pranayama (breath work) the fourth limb. In my ten years of practicing Yoga the benefits of deep breathing continue to surpass the benefits of my asanas. It is essential to the practice of Yoga.

 Now, there is an art to deep breathing, not to be confused with hyperventilation. Breathing slowly, through your nostrils may seem like nothing, however it can be done incorrectly and lead to adverse effects, like fatigue and dizziness. Make sure that you learn the techniques of deep breathing or Ujjayi breathing with a trusted teacher. I suggest a yoga class or the 'Science of Breath', by Swami Rama.


  1. You are wise and articulate and have taught me how to just breathe many times. Thank you.

  2. You are welcome Teed!! Thank you for being so interested and curious.
