After a few days in the desert with Ted a couple of weeks back, and several rock climbs later I began to feel a personal shift. It had become clear to me I needed to trim down my daily life, simplify, clean out so that come Spring new seeds could be planted.
I was ready to create space in my life. Without space I can't grow.
Maybe it was my terror up on the rock walls. Heights have their way of waking me up. It was possibly the simplicity of camping in open space, reminding me of what it's like to focus on the commonplace: cooking, cleaning, hiking, climbing on rocks, sleeping. Maybe it was all of it.
Whatever the case, my quick getaway was the perfect reminder of nature's genius. Each season brings in a new flavor, asks for a certain respect. I could hear what this season said to me.
"Go inward so you can go outward."
Yes, I needed more time for my own practice, no excuses. I am a better person when I'm taking care of myself. It is amazing that I still require these yearly reminders!
I find fall to have a more subtle temperament. It's transitional and introspective. I have found transitions to be the perfect instances for letting go, working with the concept of impermanence. It's nature's way of leaning out spring and summer's fat. Leaves fall, the air becomes cooler, and my desire to pull inward feels so natural. I always tend to shed a layer come late fall. The complications and heat that might have been accumulated over summer's party begin to dissolve.
So very simply I will start by saying goodbye to Facebook. I am going to open a book. I will be alternating a rigorous Yoga practice with work in my subtle body and a deeper pranayama practice. I am trying out a new Yoga studio that is more aligned with my practice! Shedding feels good.
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